



Learn FIFA Tips and Tricks!


Dear player, try to master at least two dribble skills. Practice them in the arena until you can do them in all directions. Note that you have to use R / RS in the direction your player is looking for him to make the skill.

After you have mastered two, you should do them not too often throughout the game. Do one and pass. Do the other one and pass. When you get close to the goal, shoot. Try to shoot whenever the way is free. This will give your team an emotional boost and make them play better. Do not try too hard and shoot when you think it will be a goal 100%. Try to shoot whenever you can.


In FIFA 15 the finesse shot is back and better to attempt than the normal shot without pressing any other button than B / CIRCLE.
Do not hold the shoot button too fifa ut coins long as well because he will shoot the ball to the stars.


Some tactics you can use is. Fine tune cheap fut coins your direction with the L / LS joystick. Minimal direction turning will drastically better your performance in dribbling and passing an attacker. You should have a good balance between passing and keeping the ball.

A nice trick I like to use is hogging the ball as long as you can so your opponent gets agitated. In FIFA 15 it is really easy for noobs to shoot goals in the last minute and even make you lose the game when you have done all the work.

So keep playing safe and keep Click Here passing the ball.

Another thing you need to take care of with runners is that you need to use B / CIRCLE to pull or push the opponents. Most of the time referees do not see that and you can get away with it.


The most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis

What is the most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis? It is a topic concerned by a lot of adenomyosis patients, especially the one that hope to treat it without side effects. As we all know, Chinese medicine treatment has won the trust of patients with the factors of safety and no side effects since ancient times. So here, we will take a look at whether Wuhan TCM is the most effective way to adenomyosis. 

The main symptoms of adenomyosis are the menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea and so on. Also, there are some patients with no obvious symptoms. In the past treatment, Western therapy is usually the first choice. They used either hormonal drugs or surgery to treat it. For example, mifepristone, a kind of emergency contraception drug, on commonly was used to make a treatment. While the surgeries including the laparoscopy surgery and laparotomy surgery. Although it can cure the disease, but a great harm will be created. Besides, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of cure the disease from the root, and the recurrence rate is relatively high.
In TCM, there haven’t a disease called adenomyosis because the Chinese define a disease according to the symptoms. In this case, adenomyosis can be classified into the categories of "dysmenorrhea", "menorrhagia" and "menstruation". In TCM point of view, it is mainly caused by the blood stasis stagnation with poor blood circulation. As a result, the adenomyosis treatment should mainly choose the medicine with the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. Wuhan TCM Fuyan pill is such a kind of medicine. 
Fuyan pill is a complete formula created by Dr. Li Xiaoping. It works with the effect of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, heat-clearing and detoxifying and nourishing spleen and eliminating dampness and so on. With these effects, it can eliminate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea as well as regulating menstruation. In addition, some patients may also find their Chlamydia or mycoplasma positive when take some checks, and it turn out to be the bacterial infection. Fuyan pills, also hold the detoxifying effect, plays a good role in killing bacteria and viruses. It can treat the disease from the root.
Perhaps there are some other ways to treat adenomyosis, but Wuhan TCM fuyan pill has been proved to be the most effective way. Commonly, if the patients take fuyan pill according to the doctor’s advice, then the disease available can be cured in three courses. Also, Fuyan has also been recognized by national patent, it is the national patent medicine and the best way to treat adenomyosis in the eyes of patients.

How Much Do You Know about Colpitis Mycotica?

Colpitis mycotica is a transmissible, repeated inflammation of vagina which is hard to cure once and for all. And it can induce infertility, affect the fetal development and induce other gynecological diseases. For the patients who are infected with fungus repeatedly or not be cured with long-time treating, they should do systematic check first and then treat colpitis mycotica according to the test result.

Majority of women have been infected with colpitis mycotica for at least once in their whole lives according to the clinic statistics. If the colpitis mycotica is hard to cure and repeating, the health of women would be threatened. Therefore, it is an important task for women to cure colpitis mycotica radically. Then how to treat colpitis mycotica once and for all? Do we not have a good method to subdue it?

Drug therapy is the most common way to treat colpitis mycotica. However, the different patients should use different medicine. And for the particularity of women’s genitals, the patients should not use medicine by themselves. They must go to hospital to treat in time, accepting normal and scientific treatment, avoiding misdiagnosis and aggravating illness.

However, using drug therapy to treat colpitis mycotica has some disadvantages, which would induce repeated happening. The most important reason is that, most patients are not cautious of using the drugs and can not insist on treating, and stop taking medicine once the symptoms change for the better, which would make the residual candida wantonly breeding and the illness repeated.

In addition, there is close relationship between colpitis mycotica and intercourse. So that the colpitis mycotica is one of the diseases transmitted by sex. Both the husband and wife should treat at the same time. Therefore, the patients of colpitis mycotica should forbid sex in the period of treating. Otherwise, it would make the man infected with balanitis and urethritis. We suggest the sex partner should be checked and treated at the same time.

Here we would recommend Fuyan Pill to treat the colpitis mycotica, which is made by Chinese herbal medicine and has no side-effect at all. Fuyan Pill is made up from multiple herbs including Bupleurum falcatum L., poria cocos, radices scutellariae, Gardenia, Atractylodes ovata, etc., among which some herbs are highly powerful in killing bacteria, virus, and all the pathogen to cause infections. These herbs have the affection of clearing away heat and toxic materials, and it can also promote the blood circulation and defenses of ourselves. Then the inflammation can be cured step by step. Maybe the effect are not so apparent in the early, but it would have a long-term effective. And once it's cured, it never recurs.

The most important thing is that: the patients should pay attention to their personal hygiene. You would have a good health only if you have a healthy living habits. In order to treat colpitis mycotica, you should try to give up all of your bad habits. Experts of Wuhan Dr.Lee’s TCM Clinic notice that, in order to treat colpitis mycotica, we should not take medicines without directions from specialists. We must go to hospital or clinic to get appropriate treatment in time.

source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Cervicitis/2013/0921/509.html

Is endometriosis hereditary and how to treat it?

In recent days, many patients with endometriosis consult Dr.Lee that is endometriosis hereditary? The answer is yes. According to the researches of scientists in Iceland, they found that if a woman's sister has endometriosis, the risk of endometriosis of this woman would be five times of other normal people.


So what is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a common diseases of women. It is induced by the poor circulation of menstrual blood. Some pieces of endometrium would flow back into some other tissues through Fallopian tube. Even though these pieces are falling off, they have not lost their vitality, therefore, the ectopic endometrium would set the roots of the other tissues and grow. They are also under the control of endocrine, growing, falling and bleeding periodically. Because the blood can not find the way out of the body, it would accumulate on the local scale little by little, forming endometrial nodules or a cyst.
Endometriosis is associated with heredity, immunity and some other aspects of our body. Among them, heredity has the most greatest impact on endometriosis. Hereditary factor account for half of all the pathogenesis. If your mother or one of other elders, such as your aunt,  has endometriosis, your risk of endometriosis would be 30 times higher than people who do not have this situation. In addition, there is also a very funny character of endometriosis that if one of identical twins has endometriosis, the risk of acquiring endometriosis of the other one is 80%.
If you have family history of endometriosis and the symptoms of endometriosis, you should go to visit your doctor as soon as possible. Traditional Chinese medicine Fuyan pill has a very good effect on treating endometriosis. It is purely made from medical herbs. Proved by patients all over the world, it is really effective.

Can endometriosis be eliminated radically by laparoscopic surgery?

The morbidity of endometriosis is about 10%. It is a common gynecological disease in clinic. Endometriosis can bring about infertility, dysmenorrhea and some other diseases. As indicated by statistic data, 40% to 60% of women with dysmenorrhea are suffering from endometriosis. And about 20% to 30% of women who are infertile acquire this disease. So endometriosis is an important gynecological disease that influencing women’s health and happiness of their family. In this article, we will talk about the usual methods of treating endometriosis.


1. Medical Suppression: Hormonal treatment such as birth control pills containing estrogen and progesterone relieves symptoms in many patients. But this kind of therapy has a very evident disadvantage is that if they are used for over 6 months, it can cause decline in bone density. And once you stop to use it, the endometriosis is very likely to recur. 


2. Operative treatment. Surgery is the main treatment for treating endometriosis. Because we can clear the range and character of lesion under direct vision. It has a very good effect on relieving pain and promoting reproductive function during a short course of treatment. Especially for the severe patients who have a heavy adhesion, the drug therapy may not work soon. The surgeries can be divided into two groups: conservative surgery and radical surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is a kind of conservative surgery. Through the laparoscopic examination, we can make a definite diagnosis, then, cut the infected part artificially. 


Surgery is one of the most effective methods to treat endometriosis, since all the endometrium will be removed from the affected areas. Because laparoscopy is the least invasive procedure, it is usually, the most used endometriosis surgery. It allows the surgeon to see if they had removed all the endometriosis or not. A laparotomy requires the patient to remain in the hospital and has a longer recovery period. The most extreme and serious cases will require a hysterectomy, which include the removal of all tumors or lumps and ovaries. The endometriosis has some probability to back according to the kind of the surgery. 


3. TCM therapy. Except for the two methods above, we can also use traditional Chinese medicine: Fuyan pill to treat endometriosis. This pill is made up of dozens of natural herbs originated from nature. It has a very good effect on promoting blood circulation and improving the function of immune system. It can eliminate the stasisofblood and poison in body, relieve the pain. It has no side effect and it can help to prevent the endometriosis after surgery.


In additional, pregnancy can prevent the endometriosis. But unfortunately, many patients with endometriosis have infertility problem. Should emphasize that keeping a good living habit is also very important for treating endometriosis. We should do more exercise to make us stronger and healthier.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Endometriosis/2013/1209/546.html


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